Tagged food


Back Area Gardens

This piece, unlike my previous postings, provided a particular challenge. While aiming to remain true to my New Year’s Resolution, my aim was to connect with my food, and more intimately, connect with the person responsible for my food. I thought at first, that that shouldn’t present a problem at all. After all I am…


The Unconscious Eater

  The Unconscious Eater or a Reflection on the New Year After the excessively festive festive season, most of us are now considering the looming pressure of starting another year afresh. After all that wine, food and consumerism it is inevitable that we will aim and hope to begin a new year; slimmer, healthier, chatting…


Truffle Festival, Volterra Tuscany

There is a country called Italy. And in this country there is a province called Tuscany that is famous because Baby Boomer American tourists like to visit it to experience ‘Culture’. And in this place called Tuscany, there is an abundance of Beauty. This Beauty is overwhelmingly package and pruned, designed and landscaped to exceed…

Livorno, Tuscan Coastline

Livorno, on the Tuscan coast, was an unexpected stop on my travels. As a rule, I am wary of Mediterranean port cities. They are usually made from two moulds: the  Impossibly Picturesque and Vaguely Promiscuous (Monte Carlo, Nice, St Tropez)  and the Commercial Tough Talking kind of towns, populated by sailors and stray dogs (or…


Pisa Surprise Part 2

Read the first installment, Pisa Surprise here on Katy’s Table. Parmesan Ice Creams with Caramelised Onions arrives at my table. Two things I love – cheese and ice cream, brought together on my plate in a little restaurant in the heart of Tuscany. Ice Cream perhaps was a poor translation, it comes across as more…

All Content © Katy's Table 2024
