Alphabet Soup with Emma

  There are times when aspiring Food Writers have to take normal jobs to help keep the cupboard stocked with organic single estate coffee beans. And when I say ‘normal job’ I really mean the furthest thing from normal, and only normal in the sense that it’s what I do from Monday to Friday. There…


The Super Tuscans

If you’re a regular here at Katy’s Table, you will know that from time to time I have been known to enjoy a glass or two (or three) of wine. A big part of my love for wine, and its allure, is that no matter how hard I try – there will always be more…

Livorno, Tuscan Coastline

Livorno, on the Tuscan coast, was an unexpected stop on my travels. As a rule, I am wary of Mediterranean port cities. They are usually made from two moulds: the  Impossibly Picturesque and Vaguely Promiscuous (Monte Carlo, Nice, St Tropez)  and the Commercial Tough Talking kind of towns, populated by sailors and stray dogs (or…


Pisa Surprise Part 2

Read the first installment, Pisa Surprise here on Katy’s Table. Parmesan Ice Creams with Caramelised Onions arrives at my table. Two things I love – cheese and ice cream, brought together on my plate in a little restaurant in the heart of Tuscany. Ice Cream perhaps was a poor translation, it comes across as more…


Pisa Surprise

  Fairly soon into my trip, the travel arrangements started to become erratic. Circumstances outside of my control (aren’t they always) meant that my travel plans were being updated by the minute. Often via email, I was receiving updates from work about where I might be needed in the next 8 to 12 hours. Quite…

All Content © Katy's Table 2024
